3:30 PM
5 Causes Intimate Relations So painful in women.
Women often complain of pain after intercourse, especially in the lower abdomen or in the vagina them. The cause is not just a mere lack of foreplay, but there are also other health reasons.

Eg daily activities that require them to sit for long periods at the computer, causing pelvic muscles are tired and easily cramping. In addition, there are several causes of sex so painful in women. Anything? Boldsky melansirnya as follows:

Wearing tights is one reason so painful intercourse. The reason, tights trigger irritation of the female sex organs. Reduce the use of tights, and replace it with a loose-fitting clothes if you want the sex organs healthy back.

Low estrogen.
The crucial nature of the hormone estrogen in a woman's sex life. Deficiency of this hormone can cause health problems at the same pain when intercourse. The solution, the consumption of foods that can increase levels of the hormone estrogen.

If you experience constipation or constipation, then it can also be a reason for the cause of pain during intercourse. Besides constipation will create discomfort in the abdomen while having sex.

Women often suffer from vaginal infection that causes irritation of the sex organs, also pain when having sex.

Weather changes not only affect the dryness of skin and lips, but also in the vital organs. Lack of lubrication may be because women feel pain, so you should correct the problem before intercourse.
Overcome all the above causes, and pain during sexual intercourse will be lost. Good luck