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There are many reasons to consume fiber, considering the many benefits that can be obtained from the fiber. Actually fiber foods are divided into two groups, namely soluble fiber (soluble fiber) and insoluble fiber (insoluble fiber). Soluble fiber (fiber that dissolves in water), among others, consists of pectin, gum, mucilage and beta glucan, such as vegetables, fruits, soy products, whole grains. Insoluble fiber include lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose as in cereals nuts, peel fruits and vegetables especially shaped leaves.

health with fiber

Health benefits of fiber for, among others:

Prevent constipation.
Dietary fiber increases the mass and size as well as soften the stool, making it easier removed and lowers your risk of hard CHAPTER.

Lowering the risk of digestive disorders.
A diet high in fiber can lower your risk of specific disorders such as hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids, irritable bowel or wound with a lump in the large intestine (diverticulitis).

Preventing heart disease and lower blood cholesterol levels.
Insoluble fiber can help lower total cholesterol levels in the blood by lowering levels of LDL or bad cholesterol. Decreased levels of cholesterol in the blood reduces the likelihood of heart or blood vessel blockage that leads to atherosclerosis of coronary heart disease.

Controlling blood sugar levels.
Fiber, particularly soluble fiber, can slow the absorption of sugar, which for patients with diabetes, the fiber can improve blood sugar levels. A diet with high fiber adapat also lowers the risk of development of type 2 diabetes.

Help you lose weight.
Foods high in fiber are generally more slowly absorbed, so allow time for your body to adjust when you are satisfied, can make you full longer, so you avoid overeating. And also, high-fiber diet also provide fewer calories.

Prevent colon cancer.
The presence of dietary fiber in the stool causing feces can absorb a lot of water so that the volume becomes large and soft texture. The existence of a large volume of stool will accelerate intestinal contractions for faster CHAPTER. Faeces were great with soft texture can dilute the carcinogenic compounds (trigger cancer) contained in it, so the concentration is much lower. Thus there will be contact between carcinogenic substances with a low concentration of the colon, and this contact also occurs in a shorter time, thus not allowing the formation of cancer cells.

To view more dense muscle.
Fiber-rich vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and spinach, contain so-called indoles. Indoles may slightly reduce the level of estrogen in men and slightly increased levels of testosterone. It is very conducive to achieving the physical appearance of a more hard and dense, and better protein synthesis for muscle formation.

To maintain good health, it is recommended to increase the intake of fiber such as vegetables and fruits, also maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise. However, nowadays most people want things to be more effective and efficient so that they tend to increase fiber intake with supplements as a second choice. One is the Ultimate Nutrition Vegetable Greens containing all the benefits of vegetables.