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5 Adverse Effects Wear Tight Knickers.
Tight underwear will give a bad effect on the wearer, whether male or female. Adverse consequences of wearing tight underwear should not be underestimated, because the impact is on your own health.

Here are 5 examples of the health effects of the habit of wearing tight underwear, as reported by Boldsky page:

Reduced sperm quality

For men who like to wear tight underwear, then immediately leave the habit is good if you do not want to experience a decline in sperm quality. Tight underwear will make the temperature of the skin in the region of the vital rises, to affect your sperm production.

Obstructed blood circulation

Blood circulation or blood stream that flows become blocked because of the tightness of your underwear. As a result, certainly not good for the body's own organs, because not obtain oxygen and blood supply smooth.


For women who wear tights, so be careful on the occurrence of vaginal infections. This vulnerability arises because of irritation that triggers inflammation in your intimate region.

Skin problems

The presence of skin disorders such as itchy, red, and irritation due to moisture and heat your intimate region is another ill effects from wearing trousers too narrow. The skin did not get a chance to breathe and may blister or experience other problems.


Heartburn or acid reflux into the esophagus can also be caused by tight underwear. The reason, the pressure of the pants to the stomach to make stomach acid is rising.

However, wear clothing and tight underwear is not good for health so it should not be done.