8:15 PM
Current treatment of TB in Children

TB in children is not a disease that is contagious because the bacteria only multiply in the lungs gland so it is not open. It was certainly very different from TB in adults which can be transmitted through the air and body contact with patients.

Children with poor nutrition or have weakened immune systems are particularly vulnerable to contracting TB germs. For early prevention efforts so that children are not infected with TB germs, it is suggested to parents to give the BCG vaccine in children, particularly after birth.
TB in children can be dangerous if not addressed properly, because the bacteria that enter the respiratory tract can spread throughout the body such as the lining of the brain, liver, kidney, bone. However, during the child's immune system is in good condition, the TB germs will remain silent and only react when a child's endurance decreases.

Current treatment of tuberculosis in children starting from the diagnosis of tuberculosis in children. But actually very difficult to diagnose tuberculosis that affects children smaller. Though the exact diagnosis of TB is very important to find the existence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis that is alive and active in the body of a child suspected tuberculosis. The easiest trick is to do a sputum test. But it can not be done with sputum test, because a child suffering from tuberculosis are usually not experienced coughing up phlegm. For it done another way to diagnose TB germs in children, namely through the clinical picture, chest X-ray and a tuberculin test or Mantoux test. If the chest rongent rely on the images, then there will be found a proper diagnosis is therefore necessary tuberculin test. Well, if the results of tuberculin skin test is positive, then it indicates TB infection.

To that end, the doctor will usually apply the current treatment of tuberculosis in children, which requires that children infected with tuberculosis to undergo treatment of tuberculosis using three kinds of drugs, which is INH, Rifampicin and Pirazinamide. INH and Rifampicin drug administration for two months, and Pirazinamide for four months, so that a minimum of drug administration the same as adults, ie six months.

Besides knowing about the current treatment of tuberculosis in children, society must also understand that the TB disease is an infectious disease that is to say, there must be a source of vector. So, when we find a child suffering from active tuberculosis, then effective measures must be taken to prevent the spread of TB to other family members is to check all family members and other adults who have close contact with a child suffering from active TB. It is useful to look for sources of TB infection, and if you have found the patient should be treated promptly, so that the chain of transmission can be stopped as early as possible.