4:54 AM
Health Information
Almost every one of us have experienced constipation, although not a serious condition (in general), this condition can be uncomfortable problem.

What is constipation? Constipation is a condition in which there is a decrease motility (movement) intestine, which is characterized by difficulty BAB / defecation. Each person does have capacity of intestinal motility own, but if after 3 days, still no bowel movement, then the dirt will be harder and more difficult to remove.

You've said constipated when obtained.

· Straining for more than 25% BAB time.

· Dirt loud over 25%.

· No lempias CHAPTER post more than 25%.

· Frequency CHAPTER <2kali in a week.

What are the causes of constipation?

· Consumption of less water and fiber.

· Changes in dietary patterns for example when traveling.

· Lack of exercise, or lack of exercise.

· Enterprises CHAPTER hold because of pain such as Ambeyen.

· One use of drugs such as antacids, laxatives.

· Other diseases such as hypothyroidism, to colon cancer.

So how do I prevent constipation? Some things you can do to avoid constipation, for example is:

· Eat foods high in fiber (which certainly we know). Dijumapai frequent sources of fiber include fruits, vegetables, whole grain breads. Fiber in the diet will form the mass of the stool so that it expands and easily removed.

· Drink at least 8 glasses a day, unless you have a medical condition that requires you to restrict fluid intake. Beverages such as coffee and tea has the effect of dehydration and should be avoided until you have a normal bowel movement patterns. Some people may also experience constipation by drinking milk ..

· Exercise regularly.

· Do not be too often hold BAB.

What about when it happened constipation? Some of the following can you do.

· Drink 2-4 glasses of extra water, use warm water, especially in the morning.

· Add buah2an in your diet.

Milk can be tried to improve your bowel movements.

· Do not use any laxatives without consulting a doctor because it may aggravate constipation that you experienced.

When is constipation be serious and need treatment by a doctor?

· Constipation occurs later.

· Accompanied blood.

· Accompanied weight loss even without the diet.

· Accompanied pain during defecation.

· Constipation is more than 2 weeks.

In principle, constipation occurs mostly due to diet and irregular life, but seriously need to watch some of the conditions that require further medical treatment, as described in the points above.

Hope it helps.