W hat causes constipation? One obvious cause is a food that contains little fiber, lack of drinking water or lack of exercise. Other ca...

W hat causes constipation? One obvious cause is a food that contains little fiber, lack of drinking water or lack of exercise. Other ca...
F lu is a disease that is quite disturbing for the sufferer. Many of our activities will be disrupted if we are suffering from flu. To ...
S ugarcane juice is the result of sugarcane juice that are sold by street vendors at this time. It was sweet refreshing, especially if co...
T his latest study may make you wonder. Research conducted at Harvard School of Public Health found that people who ate potato can actual...
G reen tea has been recognized as a healthy drink containing several active substances both to reduce the risk of cancer and diabetes. Fo...
T attoos are no longer taboo. Body painting began many fans from young to old age. However, tattoos are still associated with a variety o...
C ases of elephantiasis disease in Indonesia is still a lot going on, with the number of people with chronic reached 14,932 people, accor...
C hildren under five who had been given drugs made possible asthma experiencing problems with his height. Studies conducted in Finland fo...