Tattoos are no longer taboo. Body painting began many fans from young to old age. However, tattoos are still associated with a variety of health risks. One that is quite prominent is the use of a tattoo needle. In the non-sterile needles made possible be the transmission of dangerous diseases such as hepatitis to HIV.
Even so, the tattoo may still be done safely. However, people who apply it should pay attention to matters relating to the adverse effects of tattoos. The following points should be considered before you decide to attach a tattoo on the body:
Infection. Infections caused by the transmission of germs from one person to another. Applying a tattoo is very possible that the transfer of germs that cause infection, either of the causes of viruses, fungi, to bacteria. Make sure requesting a new needle when using tattoos.
Allergy. Not everyone is suited to devices tattoos. Most of them have an allergic reaction. If you have this allergy, you should not do the tattoo. The possibility of allergic tattoos potentially difficult to treat. Currently, more extreme, surgery may be required.
Side effects of exposure to the sun. If the tattoo exposed to the sun more often, there is the possibility of a tattoo will be raised and itchy.
MRI device can not work on many tattooed people. MRI tools are commonly used to diagnose possible inside the body can not work perfectly on the body covered in black ink tattoos. The reason is, this ink contains iron oxide. In the red ink also contains iron.
Biscuits mask the symptoms of cancer. Tattoos can mask the symptoms of skin cancer. Whereas early detection of cancer is necessary so that the handling is not too late.