Insomnia means a situation where someone is having difficulty sleeping or can not sleep well so stay awake. On average each person in all age groups have experienced insomnia. Nevertheless, the incidence of insomnia increases with age. This may be caused by stress, anxiety or irregular routines. If you suffer from insomnia for a few weeks to a few months, it can cause health problems. However, the good news is that you can improve the quality of sleep by making small changes in your lifestyle.
Many things can affect the quality of your sleep. For example: what, when, and how much you eat and drink turns affects your sleep. Eating large meals right before bed can make you more difficult to sleep. In contrast, light snacks can actually help you to sleep. In addition, exercise habits and the environment in which you sleep also affects the quality of your sleep. Here are some small changes you can do to reduce or prevent insomnia:
1. Exercise regularly. Some studies suggest that with exercise, you become more optimal health so that the body can fight stress that comes with better. Exercise should be done in the morning and not a few minutes before bedtime.
2. Bedtime avoid eating and drinking too much. Do food too much because it will cause stomach to be uncomfortable, while drinking too much will lead you back often to urinate. Of course these two conditions will disturb your sleep quality.
3. Make your bed comfortable environment. Make sure you are comfortable with your sleeping room, for example by turning off lights or other objects that make noise. Keep your clock from view because it can make you anxious because they can not sleep while getting late.
4. Reduce consumption of drinks that are stimulants or who makes you awake like cigarettes, coffee, tea, and alcohol.
5. Eat a low carbohydrate snack before bedtime, when available, add a glass of warm milk.
6. Wash with warm water 30 minutes or an hour before bedtime. Warm bath will cause sedation or sleep inducing. In addition, a warm bath also reduce tensions body.
7. Stop watching TV, reading a book, at least an hour before bedtime.
8. Use your bed for sleeping. This will help your body adjust to the environment of the bed. When you lie in bed, then there will be a stimulus to sleep.
9. Perform regular relaxation activities. Examples such as breathing exercise, meditation, listening to music, and others will help slow down the process that occurs in the body so that your body becomes more relaxed.
10. Clear your mind. Get rid of all the worries that plague your mind.
11. Time to sleep and when I wake up in the regular time period every day. Erratic sleep time will disrupt your sleep next time.
12. Try to use supplements that can help improve the quality of your sleep. One Ultimate Nutrition products, namely Melatonin, is a very useful supplement to improve quality and to help you sleep, because melatonin is a hormone naturally produced by the body to restore your biological sleep clock.
Remember that sleep is a basic requirement of the body for growth and improve the function of the affected organ. Insomnia is not a congenital disease, so it can easily be cured. If you have tried to do the steps above for two weeks but has not managed to overcome sleep problems, consult your doctor immediately to find a way out.