4:00 PM
How To Prevent Flu
Flu is a disease that is quite disturbing for the sufferer. Many of our activities will be disrupted if we are suffering from flu.
To avoid losing the moments interesting and fun, here are some ways you can do to prevent the flu are:

Do a flu vaccination
Vaccination is the best way to protect against the flu. The flu shot not only protects the health of yourself but also help minimize those around us to be exposed to the flu and pass it on.

Frequent hand washing
Hand washing is an important activity in the prevention of attacks of germs like the flu virus. This is because the body takes about 2 weeks to boost immunity after a flu shot and take much longer if the new virus strain. Hand washing can help protect the body against germs and other diseases that are not yet available vaccine.
Wash hands after using the bathroom, after coughing or sneezing, before putting or removing contact lenses before using make-up and before eating or preparing food and serving.
You should remember that hand washing is the easiest way of protection. So make it a habit to wash hands when returning from school, shopping malls, movie theaters or places that a lot of people.

Keep your distance when there is a sick person coughs or sneezes
The flu virus is spread through the air so stay away from people who look sick. Of course, people who are sick with the flu do not always look sick, when it is the function of vaccines and washing hands will be very important role in protecting our bodies.
Good thing to do is avoid touching your nose, eyes and mouth as the third place is the easiest place for the flu virus to enter the body.

Use a tissue or elbow when coughing or sneezing
Do not use a hand when coughing or sneezing. This is done so as not to spread the virus when we touch surfaces that others can touch it, too.

Stay at home
If we're suffering from the flu should stay home. This can prevent the spread of germs to others. By staying at home, we can rest, watch movies, play video games or read. Breaks can help speed the healing process of the body from the flu.
We can prevent the flu by keeping the immune system in a way enough sleep, eat healthy food, plenty of drink and exercise regularly.
Do not let the flu interfere with all our activities!