Salad, pudding, vegetables and fruits are a popular food that is served as dessert. Unfortunately, these foods often go unnoticed.

Dietary fiber is a form of complex carbohydrate compounds are abundant in the cell walls of plant food. Dietary fiber can not be digested and absorbed by the digestive tract walkin, but has a very important function to maintain health, disease prevention and nutritional therapy.
The average consumption of fiber Indonesia's population of about 10.5 grams per day. While according to the American Dietetic Association, the average consumption of fiber population of the United States 11 grams per day. The number is still far from the recommended daily fiber requirement that 30 grams of fiber per day.
Not surprisingly, degenerative diseases in both countries rose sharply from year to year. In fact, heart disease has become the number one killer disease since 1990 in these two countries.
As with the population of Kenya and Uganda that consumption of fiber is high, ie between 70-90 grams of fiber per day because they eat more natural foods rather than processed foods. The growth rate of degenerative diseases in both countries are also lower.
Types of Fiber
Fiber is divided into two parts according to its characteristics, namely:
Water-soluble dietary fiber (soluble dietary fiber)
This type of fiber is shaped like a gel. Seaweed is one of the foods that contain this type of fiber. There are also oatmeal, nuts, meat apples, carrots, and oranges.
The function of the water-soluble dietary fiber of which is
Provide satiety for longer
Keeping blood sugar levels
Healthy digestion by keeping the bowel function
Absorb fat and cholesterol then remove it through the feces.
Water-insoluble dietary fiber (insoluble dietary fiber)
The characteristics of this fiber is its ability to absorb water and to improve the texture and volume of stool in order to more easily pass through the intestines. This type of fiber can be found in rice flour, wheat, fresh vegetables, fruit peel apples and many more.
The function of water-insoluble dietary fiber include:
Speeding up residence time of food in the gut
Streamlining the process of defecation
Reduce the risk of hemorrhoids, diverticulosis, and colon cancer
Basically all-fiber foods are always made up of a combination of soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. But usually in the levels of both types of fiber diet is not balanced, so you have to combine with other fibrous foods.
The best sources of fiber are vegetables and fruits. Eat vegetables and fruits every day can provide multiple benefits, namely as a source of vitamins and minerals necessary for health maintenance, plus fiber content so you avoid deadly diseases due to lack of fiber.
Prevent Disease with Fiber
What diseases can be prevented by increasing fiber intake? Include the following:
Tooth Ache
Toothache can occur when eating sweet foods and fatty foods because bacteria on the teeth like sweet foods and fatty foods. Consumption of dietary fiber can clean the teeth from the remains of food that is safe from bacteria that can make your teeth rot.
Coronary Heart
The ability of fibers to absorb and reduce blood cholesterol levels have made these nutrients as protective nutrients to the heart. Cholesterol in the blood is one of the causes blockage of blood vessels.
Research in Capetown South Africa reported that residents who take dietary fiber average of 6.5 grams per day was found as much as 3.6 percent of diabetics. While the population who consume 24.8 grams of fiber per day is only found 0:05 diabetics.
Colon Cancer
World Cancer Report shows that a diet high in fiber both from the consumption of vegetables and fruits daily can reduce the risk of colon cancer by 40 percent in Europe and 27 percent in the United States.
Diverticulosis or constipation
An abnormality in the colon symptoms ayng characterized from small and hard stool in the gut, thus requiring strong pressure during defecation. For a long time this condition can make the intestinal muscles become tired and constipation.
Now you already know the importance of fiber for your body. Inadequate daily fiber your body needs from now and get a healthier body than before.