Yesterday when I came too early at Soekarno Hatta airport on my way to Yogyakarta, I took time to read the business week. There is one article that had caught my attention at first glance. Reported that the health benefits American companies increasingly high and cause waste-waste for the company.
Then the companies were investigating whether the cause? It turns out that according to their report, the consumption of unhealthy foods, junk food, candies and activities of employees was just sitting all day and eating unhealthy foods that cause many waste in the field of health benefits.
Finally, many companies take steps "fixes" for its employees with the ultimate goal is also to reduce the waste of the health budget. By reason of improving the health of its employees, many companies began to replace the menu of food in cafes office with a healthy diet. Even in Google, at first they replace all with a healthy snack, but after complaints from many staff reap them, Google finally give a solution of 50:50. There are a healthy snack menu and also candies or junk food is balanced on the shelves where their free food.
In my opinion, this approach is indispensable in Indonesia, where knowledge about health is still low enough so that it is difficult to find healthy menu when we work in the office. Provision of healthy food by the office certainly helps us in improving healthy lifestyles. But it is unfortunate that some of the comments that go into business week magazine said that it was useless and weight did not determine a person's health. Some say that overweight but still exercise is still better than the ideal body weight enough but just sitting behind a desk and never exercise.
There is also a comparison between 'late back to the office' because of obesity and not nimble with management that smokers are a waste of time to smoke than for productivity work. Which have more weight they can not say no nimble by management and reply to say that the management is also a lot of smokers and a waste of time for things that are not useful.
I think personally, health is a choice each person, no need to compare with others. We are healthy, we are sick, we also own all the deal. The provision of healthy menus in cafes company in my opinion is very important. Because this time, we are all aware, it is difficult to find solutions to support healthy menu "our healthy lifestyle". Well go from here, I want to know how the opinion of all my friends about this, should a healthy menu was introduced in cafes company? I am waiting for his opinion.